Aiming to be one of the leading energy companies in the sector and the world with its sensitivity in Quality, Occupational Health and Safety, Environment, Energy and Asset Management aspects; as ENERJİSA ÜRETİM SANTRALLERİ A.Ş., in our production and trade activities:

  • We adopt occupational health and safety as a natural part of our business; we use our assets, energy and natural resources efficiently by respecting life.
  • We ensure to obtain the necessary human, financial and other resources and use them in the best way to achieve the targeted energy performance (efficiency in use and consumption).
  • While carrying out our activities, we adopt the principles of sustainable development and prevention of environmental pollution in accordance with the context of Enerjisa Üretim.
  • Considering applicable requirements and compliance obligations, we fulfill our obligations in energy efficiency, occupational health and safety, environment and asset management.
  • Believing that work accidents and occupational diseases are preventable, we take all necessary actions to eliminate hazards, bring OHS risks to an acceptable level, and protect and improve the well-being of our employees.
  • We monitor the environmental impacts of our activities periodically and keep them under control.
  • We manage the waste generated as a result of our activities by taking into account the waste management hierarchy.
  • We aim to continuously improve our energy performance with the improvements we make, by supporting energy-efficient products, services, processes, and designs that take energy performance into account in all our activities.
  • We develop strategies to maximize the value we obtain from our activities by considering the entire life cycle, and to create sustainable value for our stakeholders.
  • We create targets and regularly review their realization status by considering the best practices in the sector and the world. To increase our performance, we constantly improve our management systems, taking into account our risks and opportunities.
  • With the support of the Company management, we ensure the collaborative participation of our employees and stakeholders at all levels of our organization in improving energy efficiency, occupational health and safety, environmental and asset management practices.