Enerjisa Üretim Code of Business Ethics
At Enerjisa Üretim, we foster a culture that consistently strives to act in a responsible and ethical manner, adhering to the principles of respectability and reliability throughout our business processes and decision-making mechanisms. Enerjisa Üretim Code of Business Ethics serves as a compass to ensure the sustainability and consistency of this culture.
In accordance with our Code of Business Ethics, all employees and other stakeholders (shareholders, customers, suppliers, public institutions, etc.) within Enerjisa Üretim can report any possible ethical violations and unethical actions through Enerjisa Üretim Ethics Hotline Channels. Additionally, questions, opinions and suggestions on ethical issues can be shared through relevant channels.
All ethical notifications are reviewed impartially and confidentially. Individuals are not required to submit any personal data when making an ethical notification. The notification can be made anonymously, but if the notification contains personal data, the notification is examined within the framework of the Personal Data Protection Law No. 6698. The Ethics Hotline channels are as follows:
- Notification E-mail for Ethics Violations: [email protected]
- Notification Phone Line for Ethics Violations: +90 216 512 42 42
Please click here to access Enerjisa Üretim Code of Business Ethics.
Please click here to access Ethics Hotline Clarification Text.