Enerjisa Üretim Enterprise Risk Management Policy

As Enerjisa Üretim, we believe in importance of risk management on the journey to excellence by creating added value, improving sustainability and the efficiency of resources together with all stakeholders as a team. We exercise risk management within all our managerial and operational efforts within the following principles:

With the aim of sustainable operations in direction to our mission and achieving purpose and targets that are specified in strategic plan, we define enterprise risks in an appropriate technological environment, assess them with proper methods, take necessary actions and precautions, track and report them periodically.

We use globally recognized and modern risk management models for integrated risk management. We follow new approaches and methodologies, adopt the proper ones to the company culture and structure.

We commit necessary resources to properly manage risks and take actions.

We put necessary effort in order to optimize and create maximum value for our stakeholders out of uncertainty and volatility on mid and long term horizon by revealing risks and opportunities and conducting consistent risk management systems.

We believe the most efficient enterprise risk management applications can be done by the decision makers themselves and enhance the understanding level and risk management capabilities of our employees.

We aim to create an environment where risk management approach is embraced by every employee and implemented properly in their own processes.

We include risk management elements embedded into all business processes.

By including all management units, we aim to create an open communication platform where enterprise risks are discussed amongst mid and top level management.

We aim to operate by taking the right risks, at the right time, with the right people and organization by analysing probable outcomes and using effective risk management systems and methods.

We periodically test and track the effectiveness of the risk management systems, compliance to limits, competence of processes and policies and integrity of the data used in risk analysis and reporting periodically.

Apart from risk limits, we aim to identify and track metrics that can indicate high level threats and opportunities and use them as early warning systems.